Arthaus Nottingham
Michael Forbes has many years experience developing and renting properties, and has brought together the two areas of interests, Art & Property with a separate company Arthaus Nottingham in partnership with Vince Keys.
Arthaus Nottingham is working with property developers and architects to explore the relationship between Art, Design, Architecture and sales. We are developing ways of mutual benefits for all involved, which will lead to contemporary design and architecture generating sales of artwork and property.
Primary and New Art Exchange
Forbes is a founding member, Chair of the trustees and director of Primary and played a leading role in developing the New Art Exchange and its programme, from 1999 - 2010.
Primary is an artist-led space that exists to support creative research, making new work and to develop ways of engaging audiences. Offering dedicated artists studios alongside more flexible spaces, both within and outside the building, where artists from around the world can meet and work in the heart of Nottingham. Primary is a place where artists and the public can share, experiment and learn about contemporary visual art through an ambitious programme of events and activities.
Arthaus Nottingham new project proposal - student studios in Derby 2017
Arthaus Nottingham new project proposal - student studios in Derby 2017
Arthaus Nottingham new project proposal - student studios in Derby 2017
Arthaus Nottingham new project proposal - student studios in Derby 2017
Arthaus Nottingham - rented accommodation Nottingham
Viewing Space - Antepavilion competition entry
Viewing Space a collaboration with Jacob Kelly and Michael Forbes 2017
Drawings by Jacob Kelly
Viewing Space a collaboration with Jacob Kelly and Michael Forbes 2017
Antepavillion – Architecture Foundation Competition 2017
Exterior of the building clad using recovered car bodywork flattened and welded into a weathertight skin. The parts will be sand blasted, back to the steel and lacquered to protect from rusting.
Timber frame construction, with cellulose fill insulation (recycled newspaper)
Live unit, contains toilet shower, kitchen, single bed, storage and table which all closes down for minimal intrusion when used as a gallery/studio.
Live workspace – collaboration with Primary, to create temporary residencies over a two year period. 6 x 4 month residencies with funding from ACE Grants for the Arts, to pay artist fees, subsistence, material costs, marketing, temp exhibition and publication.
The artists will have the option to display project work projected onto the large screen opaque window and viewed from the canal and footpaths during the residency - including; visual diary, show short films, live streaming of workspace and performance –silhouette.
Gallery Live Work space
Clean white walls
Floating walls
Minimum furniture